Wednesday, May 16, 2012

I'm Not Dead!

I'm not dead! I was only absent from school for three days with a virus.
So the virus going around right now is fever, sore throat around the vocal chords, headache, and stomachache. My little brother was home with it last week and I was the lucky one who got it next!
The thing that was different about my illness is that my sore throat wasn't in that area. My doctor said it might be strep. But good news! I don't need to get swabbed for strep because I'm already on antibiotics. Because I woke up at 4:15 a.m. yesterday with a raging double ear infection.
Your ears are supposed to be full of air, not fluid.
This is seriously screwing with my balance, I am dizzy as hell.

In other news, youtube!
I have a youtube channel. Yeah.
Here's a link:

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