Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Doctor Dances?

Sooooo fellow internet trolls........ Today we threw my mom a surprise party for her milestone birthday!
It all went swimmingly, in the time it took her to watch my brother's baseball game we set up the entire back yard and got 50 people over. She had no idea, and it was hysterical. Earlier this morning, she was grumbling about how my dad had a day off and didn't get anything done. I almost peed myself laughing, because on his day off we were driving back and forth across town getting things like tiki torches.
I turned Pandora on, I was dancing like a flower child in my maxidress. Oh, one her friend's daughter told me I looked like Taylor Swift!
I had a sudden urge to do the drunken giraffe dance. Observe.
I did that for the end of the song that was playing. Then the next song that came on was "Crazy Little Thing Called Love".
That's the song that the Doctor dances to in the video up above.
"Never ignore a coincidence. Unless you're busy."
                ~ The Doctor in 'The Pandorica Opens'

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