So you know that schedule thing that I set up reminders for on my phone? My phone isn't here anymore......
Lemme esplain.
I had break this week. So did one of my best friends (not derp). She's not really the derp dur hurr kinda girl, so I'll use Amy as her code name. Amy came with me on Friday. To a big wooden playground. It was because of my siblings, but regardless. It looked kinda like Hogwarts. So naturally, I had to pick up a twig and wield it as my wand: Pear, unicorn horn core, 14 3/4 inches, surprisingly swishy (from Pottermore XD). We were running around, crawling through the Chamber of Secrets (various tunnels made for 5-12 year olds and not for people like me.... my butt got stuck.), playing Don't Touch the Ground and pretending that the broken climbing web was Devil Snare. So we didn't get ANY weird looks there from the mothers there with their children.
Then we went to the beach. It wasn't particularly warm, so Amy and I decided to go for a walk on the boardwalk. Suffice it to say we couldn't find the boardwalk. We ending up climbing and leaping about on rocks instead.
You know how in movies the main characters often end up running or doing anything with that sense of urgency? That sense that they have to do something, are accomplishing something? Let's call that doing things with a purpose. We felt like that when we were climbing. We had no explanation of what we were doing for onlookers besides climbing rocks.... with a purpose.
Eventually we wound or way back down to the water, where my siblings/their friends were digging "cozy holes" (no explanation) where the River fed into the ocean. The sand kinda drops off pretty deep there. After much derping on my part, we started digging too. The thing about sand is that it's not very stable, especially when it's a steep slope down about 7 feet to the bottom. In retrospect not a very safe place to bring little children to play, but in reality being safe is ever so dull.
Keep in mind, I never had intentions of getting wet. I was wearing capri jeans and a t-shirt, with my phone in my pocket.
Basically, you step on the sand and it swallows you up to your knee where you then slip into the water. I was holding onto the higher, rocky sand when I slid. Well, to be more specific it was my right leg. The side that my phone was in. We had already splashed eachother quite a bit, so I didn't really feel the temperature of the water. What I did feel was my leg floating up, which was quite pleasant. The current was nice and slow, nothing dangerous. My pants were completely damp at that point and covered with sand, so I went completely into the water up to my elbows to rinse off. When I got out and had to hike my pants back up to the appropriate place on my hips, I remembered my phone was in my pocket. So I put it with my shoes and towel, thinking it'd be fine. I've dropped it in the toilet about 3 times already, so I know to take out the battery and let it dry for a couple hours and then it works fine.
Apparently saltwater is different. My dad blasted it with compressed air from his computer technician stuff, and it's been sitting in a bowl of rice for the past 10 hours. **Sigh...** I don't think it's gonna come back and I don't get another upgrade for awhile......
UPDATE- 4/24/12: We found my mother's previous phone in a drawer, and it works pretty well. Takes amahzing pictures! So now I am the proud owner of a pre-owned silver Alias!
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